We’re at the forefront
of Pro-Life programs in
our community.

Programs and Activities

40 Days For Life:
We participate every fall and spring in 40 Days For Life, a biannual prayer fellowship that occurs on the sidewalks of Planned Parenthood. Our group maintains a strong relationship with the leaders of 40 Days For Life in Mobile, Alabama. We want to build this further and hopefully get even more young adults our age going to Planned Parenthood to pray for the unborn and their mothers.

Planned Parenthood Project:
We have and will continue to have flyers and signs with statistics about Planned Parenthood on campus at South Alabama, to communicate to college students the underlying reasons for Planned Parenthood. We want to help women understand that Planned Parenthood is not looking out for them, but rather for the abortion they hope women will pay for. This is an ongoing project in our community.

Cemetery of the Innocents:
We put over 400 crosses out on our campus for three days in remembrance of all the babies lost to abortion every ten minutes. We will continue to do this event as often as possible to make a statement to the students here at South as well as to the community.

Women's Resource Mobile Medical Unit:
The Women's Resource Center of Mobile brings a bus to South Alabama's campus every month to provide women on campus with much needed health care. On the bus, they have trained staff to provide free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and counseling.

To Help Our Cause

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