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Our Story

Students For Life was started because there was a clear need on South Alabama's campus, and I recognized this need immediately. One of very few Planned Parenthoods left in the state of Alabama is located just four miles (around ten minutes) from the campus of South Alabama. No exclusively pro life organization had every existed on South's campus. Several religious organizations existed, but none had formed a secular active pro life group. I came to South having graduated from a Catholic elementary and high school, which had a pro life club on campus. I came to South, assuming there was a pro life organization on campus for me to join. Much to my dismay, I was unable to pursue an active college career in ending abortion my freshman year. By the end of my second semester on campus, I had decided to start a new group on campus. New groups had to apply in the fall, so our group was initiated as an active organization in the fall of 2014. We currently have more than twenty active members, and over 150 members who receive emails about events. My hope is to continue to increase the organization before I graduate, and hopefully increase events on and off campus dramatically, so that our group can reach out to the community for support.

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